2024 GGJC & HIJF will be held from Dec.19th-22nd at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center, and last for 4 days,including the opening ceremony, main session, sub-sessions coveringdifferent industrial sectors. Meanwhile, HIJF and events such asinauguration of new products, private and smart shows for VIPs willalso take place.
GGJC invites institutions, business leaders and representatives fromvarious fields of global jewelry industry, who give keynote speeches,share the cutting-edge information, explore new ideas for win-wincooperation, discuss on the topics of global jewelry market, gold,natural diamonds, colored gemstones, jewelry design, etc. HIJF playsas a good platform for showcasing global jewelry products,technology, creativity, and promoting trade and communications.
GGJC & HIJF has been successfully held twice, which is ahigh-quality international conference and platform for the jewelryindustry. 2023 GGJC & HIJF was organized by GAC, CCPIT Hainanand the Haikou Municipal People’s Government, and supported byHaikou Municipal Commerce Bureau, Shanghai Diamond Exchange,Platinum Guild International, World Gold Council, Natural DiamondCouncil. 2023 HIJF covered more than 20,000 square meters, withover 800 booths and 300 companies, attracted jewelry manufacturers,wholesalers and retailers from lots of countries and regions.
Several Distinguished Guests for 2023 GGJC&HIJF

Other InternationalExhibitionsOrganized by GAC:
This Expo is hosted by Ministry of Commerce of thePeople’sRepublic of China, Hainan Provincial People’s Government. It isakey task for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port andanimportant platform for global high-end consumer productstoshowcase and trade. At this expo, the Fine Gems &JewelryHall,jointly organized by GAC and Hainan IEDB, has beenheldforthree years and gathered multiple well-known domestic andforeignjewelry brands to participate in this Expo, coveringmultiplejewelry categories such as precious metals, diamonds, coloredgemstones, jade, pearls,etc., attracting widespread attentionamongthe global jewelry industry.
The fourth Hainan Expo will be held fromApril 13th-18th, 2024atthe Hainan International Convention and ExhibitionCenter, withan exhibition area of nearly 120,000 square meters, andis expectedmore than 3,000 brands from over 60 countries andregions, withover 300,000 visits and over 200 mainstreammedia outlets.
2024 Jewelry Shanghai will be organized by GAC, NGTC,Shanghai Diamond Exchange, Shanghai Gold Exchange, ChinaGems & Jade Exchange, Shanghai Gold &JewelryTradeAssociation, Shanghai Gold Jade Trade Association andShenzhenGold & Jewelry Association. In 2023, Jewelry Shanghai coveredanarea of 40,000 square meters, with 1,600 booths andattract morethan 60,000 visits.
YIJF is organized by GAC and Kunming International Conventionand Exhibition Center. YIJF attracts jewelry manufacturers,wholesalers and retailers from more than 100 countries andregions,and plays as a stage for brand display and promotion, businessnegotiation and trading. In 2023, YIJF covered an areaof 50,000square meters, with more than 2,000 booths and attract morethan12,000 professional buyers from all over the wold.
CIJF is organized by GAC and NGTC. It is a biggatheringofjewelry brands, a platform for the communications of ideas, andashow stage for new products.
In 2023, CIJF hosted a space of 40,000 square meters, with6halls,a total of 1,600 booths and to received more than 100,000visits.During the exhibition, hundreds of outstanding jewelrymerchantsfrom countries and regions such as Australia, SouthKorea, Italy,India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc. gathered and made appearances,showcasing their jewelry culture and exquisite exhibits, bringingan overwhelming feast of jewelry to the audience. Beijing as the capital of China, proves to be a great hubforthejewelry brands, with its strong economy and friendlybusinessenvironment.